O desafio da orientação profissional com adolescentes no contexto da modernidade líquida

AutorMarucia Patta Bardagi - Mariana Moura dos Santos - Iuri Novaes Luna
CargoUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis/SC, Brasil
R. Ci. Hum., v. 48, n. 2, p. 263-281, jul-dez 2014
Este artigo propõe uma discussão acerca do
     -
 -
     
da modernidade são a efemeridade, o distancia-
  -
tendimento dos sujeitos acerca do mundo e de si
  
    
     
    -
   
   -
     
      
    -
     -
      
Palavras-chave   -
This paper proposes a discussion on the pro-
cess of career guidance with adolescents under the
perspective of liquid modernity. In this view, the
main features of modernity are the ephemerality,
      
and understanding of the subjects about the world
and about themselves, generated by impediments
in planning personal and professional life, either
tain interests and personal goals and establishing
long-term strategies. In this sense, the implications
of the characteristics of liquid modernity on the re-
sults and in the very conception of the processes
of vocational guidance are discussed throughout
the text.
Keywords: Adolescents - Vocational Guidance -
Liquid Modernity
      -
 
        
 -
         
   
The challenge of adolescents’ vocational guidance in the context of
liquid modernity
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis/SC, Brasil
      
      
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         
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        
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 
         
        
         
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