As Narrativas Pós-Modernas e o Paradigma da Eficiência: a democracia participativa na trilha dos tijolos amarelos

AutorCynara Monteiro Mariano, Isabelly Cysne Augusto Maia
CargoPost-doctorate from the University of Coimbra/PhD student and Master by the Postgraduate Program in Law at the Federal University of Ceará
Recebido em: 21/08/2019
Revisado em: 06/11/2020
Aprovado em: 17/11/2020
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Post-Modern Narratives and the Paradigm of
Efficiency: participatory democracy on the yellow
brick road
As Narrativas Pós-Modernas e o Paradigma da Eficiência: a democracia
participativa na trilha dos tijolos amarelos
Cynara Monteiro Mariano1
Isabelly Cysne Augusto Maia1,2
1Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil
2Faculdade Ari de Sá, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil
Abstract: This paper aims to demonstrate
how the post-modern narratives contributed to
the formulation of distortions in the paradigm
of efficiency and democracy. Regarding the
methodology, the deductive method was
applied, with bibliographic analysis, studying
the theoretical context of post-modernity, to
understand its consequences. We conclude that
democracy must rescue constitutionalism as
a basis for legitimacy, removing the demand
for efficiency in this role, under consequence
of weakening democracy itself. Therefore,
the innovation of the text lies in establishing
the systematization and correlation between
postmodernity, efficiency and deliberative
Keywords: Efficiency. Democracy. Post-
Resumo: O presente trabalho tem o objeti-
vo de demonstrar como as narrativas da pós-
-modernidade contribuíram para a formulação
de distorções no paradigma da eficiência e da
democracia. No que concerne à metodologia,
aplicou-se o método dedutivo, com análise bi-
bliográfica, estudando-se o contexto teórico da
pós-modernidade, a fim de compreender seus
desdobramentos. Conclui-se que a democracia
deve resgatar o constitucionalismo como base
de legitimidade, retirando a eficiência desse
papel, sob pena de enfraquecimento da própria
democracia. Assim, a inovação do texto está em
estabelecer a sistematização e a correlação entre
pós-modernidade, eficiência e democracia deli-
Palavras-chave: Eficiência. Democracia.
64 Seqüência (Florianópolis), n. 86, p. 63-88, dez. 2020
Post-Modern Narratives and the Paradigm of Efficiency: participatory democracy on the yellow brick road
1 Introduction
This paper demonstrates how postmodern narratives, due to
the fragmentation of institutional discourses and to the end of meta-
narratives, contributed to the emergence of other discourse paradigms,
such as post-truth and post-democracy, which have changed not only the
way we perceive the world, but also the functioning of institutions in a
decisive way.
These narratives opened space for the efficiency paradigm to guide
the performance of law and politics. The occupation of the law by the
economy, through efficiency, was a concern that moved the academic
literature during the early years of the 2000s, considering the introduction
of the principle of efficiency in the constitutional text through Amendment
With the formal insertion of the principle of efficiency in law, public
choices started to be guided by an economic logic of cost versus benefit,
rendering a distorted view. In this sense, according to the bibliographic
survey carried out, the doctrine’s initial concerns with the principle of
efficiency reveal a change in the basis of the legitimacy of power, which
distanced itself from the text of the constitution and became economic
Considering that the basis for the legitimacy of power became
a strictly economic view of efficiency, a change in the performance of
the institutions was identified, which, currently, has reached the way
of acting of democracy. Therefore, this research revealed the existence
of a strong communication between the advancement of postmodern
narratives and the changes in how democratic institutions function,
caused by the efficiency paradigm, as well as the connection between
constitutionalism and democracy, considering that, from the moment in
which the constitutional text was no longer a basis for the legitimacy of
political power, democracy has been affected.
The problem that guided this research was: why did we move away
from deliberative democracy? At what point on the path did we take a
shortcut that has distanced us from this dimension?

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