UNICEF, infância, educação e práticas de proteção de direitos no Brasil

AutorFlávia Cristina Silveira Lemos, Nathália Dourado Frazão Costa, Rafaele Habib Aquime, Mariane Bittencourt Batista Couto, Leandro Passarinho dos Reis Júnior
UNICEF, infância, educação e práticas de proteção de direitos no Brasil.
 
      
    
       
 
 
     
  
   
       
    
       
   
  
      
    
This article presents an analysis of the United
Nations Fund practices for Children (UNICEF)
on child education and the production of child
object, in Brazil, from the Constitution of 1988.
It follows from master’s research in the area of
education and psychology school, with historical
and documentary contributions. Points breaks and
describes practices the politics of Brazilian school
children education, from the Law of Education
Guidelines and Bases, 1996. Search articulate the
relationship between the proposals of UNICEF,
the LDB-1996 and the Statute of Children and
Adolescents 1990 in the panorama of care and
early childhood education and the eects of these
relationships established government bodies to
the school production childhood.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education;
Government of pipelines; Public Policy;
UNICEF; Brazil.
          
   
       
           
     
     
          
UNICEF, infância, educação e práticas de proteção de direitos no
UNICEF, children, education and practice of rights protection in
Flávia Cristina Silveira Lemos, Nathália Dourado Frazão Costa, Rafaele Habib
Souza Aquime, Leandro Passarinho e Mariane Bittencourt
Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém/PA, Brasil
Revista de Ciências HUMANAS,  
        
   
         
         
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   
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      
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         
              
            
     
  
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     
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   
  
 
   

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