The situation of the right to association in post-soviet countries: experience in the republic of azerbaijan and the russian federation methodology analyse realization forms of the right to association in the azerbaijan republic and russian federation

AutorDashqin Ganberov
CargoAssocate Professor, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan (AZE)
Pe riód ico do Núcl eo de Est udos e Pe squi sas sob re G ênero e Dir eito
Ce ntro de C iênc ias Juríd icas - Univ ersidad e Fe deral d a Pa raíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Sp ecia l Edi tion
IS SN | 2179 -713 7 |
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Dash qin Ganber ov1
Intr oducti on
In our mode rn world buil ding
and deve lopi ng civ il soc iety i dea is
one of the top prioritie s for t he
coun trie s that have cho sen the path
of democr atic develo pmen t.
Formation of civil s ociety is
prim aril y rela ted to the ri ght of
asso ciatio n or freedom of
asso ciatio n. In acc ordanc e with
inte rnat ional legal s tandards, the
Cons tituti on o f th e Re publ ic of
Azer baijan has also compr ised a
number of constitutio nal (l egal )
foun dati ons th at are ne w to our
coun try. Among suc h foun dati ons
poli tical dive rsity, multi-par ty
syst em have o ccupie d one o f the
cent ral posit ions . It is po ssible to
say t hat the s ame sit uati on is
1 As soca te Pr ofes sor, Ba ku Stat e Univ ersi ty, B aku, Azerb aija n (AZE) . dashqin-
bsu@ho . mob: +99 45036 1055 0. fax : +99 4125 98337 6.
typi cal f or all ot her post -Soviet
coun trie s, an d in gen eral, it is true
for ot her world state s, w hich are
relatively ne w in the democ ratic
deve lopment path. It is know n that
the i nter nation al communi ty
reco gnizes the right of association
as a right which belong s to
fundamental human rights
cate gory. Inter nati onal inst rument s
comp rise quite multi ple aspect s of
the ri ght of assoc iati on, whic h is
due to its ce ntra l p osit ion and role
in the princ ipal human right s
syst em. Here , the issue is
appr oached wit hin the fra mewo rk
of diff eren t ass ociati ons. The
esta blis hment and functi onin g of
the most diver se public
asso ciatio ns in t he societ y is
Pe riód ico do Núcl eo de Est udos e Pe squi sas sob re G ênero e Dir eito
Ce ntro de C iênc ias Juríd icas - Univ ersidad e Fe deral d a Pa raíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Sp ecia l Edi tion
IS SN | 2179 -713 7 |
ht tp:/ /period icos .ufp b.b r/ojs2/ index.php /ged /inde x
91 8
obse rved. Reflec tion of the
different a spec ts of the rig ht of
asso ciatio n in various inte rnat ional
instru ment s a nd conven tion s, in
line with the nat ure of each of
them , requir es a more se nsitive and
serious appr oach to the p roblem.
Thus , it wou ld not be right to
consider th e ex iste nce of numero us
inte rnat ional d ocum ents in which
the separ ate aspec ts of th e right of
asso ciatio n have been expressed as
a posi tive sign. However, it shou ld
be take n into acc ount that su ch
dive rsit y often lead s to unce rtai nty
and contr adicti ons. From this view
point, c ondu ctin g scie ntific
rese arch in the chosen r esea rch
topi c all ows t o find an swer s to
prac tical questi ons a long with
many theoret ical quest ions . It also
make s cert ain reco mmen dati ons.
Thus , the more speci fic and prec ise
refl ecti on of the right of
asso ciatio n wit hin t he framewo rk
of both nat iona l and inte rnat ional
legi slat ion can pr ovide clea rer and
well -establishe d ide as. For
exam ple, if we p ay att enti on, we
can see that in pract ice, the rig ht to
asso ciatio n has be en expr esse d
indi rect ly in Artic les 18 and 20 of
the Univers al Decla ration of
Human Rights . T hus, Arti cle 18 of
the Decla rati on states : "Ever yone
has the right to free dom of thought,
conscience an d reli gion; this right
incl udes f reedom t o chang e hi s
reli gion or belie f, and freedom,
eithe r alon e or in commun ity with
othe rs and i n public o r priv ate, to
mani fest h is r elig ion or be lief i n
teac hing , practice, wor ship and
obse rvance ." [ 7] Thi s is a mea ns of
realizing oth er civil , econ omic,
poli tical and social ri ghts
(A/H RC/2 0/27, p.5, Arti cle 12). To
reco gnize that the ri ghts to freedom
of peace ful as sembly and of
asso ciatio n play a dec isive role in
the emergenc e and existen ce of
effe ctiv e d emoc rati c systems as
they a re a channel a llowin g for
dial ogue, p luralism, tole ranc e and
broa dmin dedness, wher e mino rity
or di ssenti ng vi ews or belief s are
respected (A/HRC /20/ 27, p.20,
Articl e 84 ). [ 8] In Arti cle 20 o f the
Universal Decla rati on of H uman
Rights, the right to associ atio n is
defi ned more accur atel y and
clea rly. It is stated in parag raphs I
and II of Article 20 of the
Decl arat ion: " Ever yone has the

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