The issue of the term «sect» juridical definition

AutorAnatolij K. Pogasij - Elena V. Kuzmina
CargoKazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia., +79179201337.
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 8 - Nº 07 - Ano 2019 – Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
Anatolij K. Pogasij1
Elena V. Kuzmina2
Abstract: This article is devoted to the
problem of the concept "sect"
determination in religious studies and
legal discourses. The paper presents the
analysis of the etymology and use of the
term "sect" in the history of
philosophical, theological and religious
thought. The authors advocate the
position that there is no clear and
consistent definition of the concept
“sect” in modern religious science. The
authors also express doubts about the
possibility of an unambiguous definition
of this concept development. The article
expresses concern that an attempt to give
and legislate a legal definition of the
concept of “sect” (including “totalitarian
sect” and “destructive cult”) may lead to
the practice of unfair enforcement and
other negative consequences in the
context of Russian reality.
Keywords: sect, totalitarian sect,
destructive cult, sect studies, legal
religious studies.
1 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia., +79179201337.
2 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia., +79179201337.
On July 30, 2018, the Office of
the State Duma of the Russian
Federation posted a notice on the State
procurement website about an open
tender for the provision of expert
analysis on the following topic:
“Legislative regulation improvement for
citizen right protection from illegal
actions of sects and extremist religious
organizations” [1]. The terms of
reference include: "The assessment of
the appropriateness of "sect", and
"destructive cult" concept incorporation
into the legislation [2].
The next day, July 31, the
chairman of the commission for public
associations and religious organizations
of the Moscow City Duma A. Paleev said
that he had prepared a proposal to the
State Duma on the possibility of
considering the introduction of the
concept of "sect" in the legislation.
According to him, “in our modern world,
a sect is not only a religious organization,

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