A resiliência infantil no divórcio dos pais sob o olhar de professores do ensino fundamental

AutorCamila Pizzolo Gaidzinski - Denise Nuernberg
CargoUniversidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, Criciúma/SC, Brasil
GAIDZINSKI, C. C. P.; NUERNBERG, D.; SPIDO, P. M.; JERÔNIMO, R. N. T. A resiliência infantil no...
A resiliência infantil no divórcio dos pais sob o olhar de professores
do ensino fundamental
of basic education
Camila Comin Pizzolo Gaidzinski, Denise Nuernberg, Patrícia Maria Spido
e Rosa Nadir Teixeira Jerônimo
 
  -
   -
vidas pela criança para o enfrentamento desta si-
 
tornar dolorosa e ocasionar desajustes emocionais
     -
   -
 
 
Palavras-chave:   -
This research deals with the resilience of
children front of their parents divorce, in the view
of elementary school teachers. This study aims
to investigate the children’s behavior, through the
perception of teachers of 1st to 6th grade, toward
their parents’ divorce, noting the strategies de-
veloped by the child to face this situation, since
family dissolution can become painful and cause
emotional maladjustment to children. This is an
  
out through a semistructured interview developed
with the teaching staff of a primary school loca-
ted in the southern state of Santa Catarina. Data
showed different movements in children behavior
 
resilience, in the context of this research, is directly
associated with parental actions.
Keywords: Resilience - Children - Divorce - Te-
 -
 -
  
 

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