Regulation of small business development in Russia

AutorNadezhda V. Klimovskikh - Asya E. Arutyunova - Eleonora M. Chernenko - Andrey S. Tyutyunnikov
CargoKuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin - Kuban State Technological University - Kuban State Technological University - Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
Nadezhda V. Klimovskikh1
Asya E. Arutyunova2
Eleonora M. Chernenko3
Andrey S. Tyutyunnikov4
Abstract: Entrepreneurship is a special
kind of economic activity, which is based
on independent initiative, responsibility
and innovative entrepreneurial idea. The
relevance of the study is conditioned by
the fact that, despite the fact that the level
of scientific, technical and production
potential of any state is determined by big
business, the basis of life of the country are
small businesses as the most wide-scale,
dynamic and flexible form of business life.
It is determined by the great socio-
economic importance of this sector, which
unites the present-day interests of the bulk
of the population involved in labor
activity. National policy in the field of
small business development is
characterized by a comprehensive
approach to creating favorable conditions
for its functioning. The approach includes
1 Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin. E-mail:
2 Kuban State Technological University. E-mail:
3 Kuban State Technological University. E-mail:
4 Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism. E-mail:
the following regulatory methods:
improving the regulatory framework,
forming branched and multi-level
infrastructure for support of small
business entities, ensuring availability of
credit and financial mechanisms, and
supporting foreign economic and
innovative activity of small business
entities. The formation of a well-
developed business environment helps
small businesses to become competitive
at the market by fulfilling their economic
potential, which contributes to successful
development of the national economy as
a whole. The development of small
business is one of the priorities in the
policy of the Russian Federation. In this
regard, the paper is focused on studying
the situation of small business
development in Russia and identifying
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
the main reasons hindering its
development. The leading method for the
study of the problem is the method of
collecting empirical data and processing
the research results, allowing a
comprehensive review of methods and
mechanisms for regulating the
development of small business in Russia,
comparing that with the experience of
developed foreign countries. The paper
presents the data on the level of small
business development in the world’s
major economies, describes forms and
methods of regulation of small business
development in Russia and abroad, and
identifies the main factors hindering the
growth of entrepreneurial activity in the
area of small business. On the basis of the
conducted research the key directions of
improving the system of state regulation
of small business development in Russia
are substantiated.
Keywords: economy, small business,
entrepreneurship, state support, regulation,
subsidy assistance
1. Introduction.
The relevance of the research
conducted in the present paper is based
on the fact that in conditions of
macroeconomic recessions, sanctions
regimes and high taxes the role of small
business grows. This economy sector is
a core element of any developed
economic system without which the
economy and society as a whole cannot
exist and develop normally. The
development thereof is a strategic
necessity for stabilizing the political,
economic and social life spheres of
modern society, since small business
responds to the changes in the market
demand more promptly and thus ensures
the required flexibility of the economy.
The development of small business helps
enhance the economic activity of the
population, create additional work places
and attract investments to various
economic sectors. Being a site for
practical introduction of innovations,
small business helps to increase the tax
yield of the budgets of all levels, and
decrease the unemployment rate. It also
secures the required level of
competitiveness among the market
participants by way of the market
saturation with diverse goods and
services thus ensuring an efficient
operation of the national economy
alongside with major companies [25].
Encountering a great many of
threats and risks including economic,
institutional and legal ones, small

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