Procurando 'Vermelhos' na Colômbia: reconsiderando o Bogotazo, 1948

AutorJames Trapani
CargoIs an early career researcher and academic based at Western Sydney University, Australia
Seeing ‘Reds’ in Colombia: Reconsidering the ‘Bogotazo’,
Procurando “Vermelhos” na Colômbia: reconsiderando o
‘Bogotazo’, 1948
James Trapani*
Resumo: O teatro latino-americano da Guerra Fria foi distinto da luta global
entre o capitalismo estadunidense e o comunismo soviético. A União Soviética
Castro ao marxismo-leninismo, em 1960. Apesar disso, a pletora de lutas sociais
virtualmente espalhadas em cada república latino-americana tem sido grosso
modo agrupada e rotulada como “Guerra Fria” Latino-americana. Este artigo
    
  
    
político do hemisfério contra o “comunismo”, fosse soviético ou doméstico.
Isso confundia muitos líderes latino-americanos como comunistas, quando,
  
 
da guerra civil em 9 de abril de 1948, seguindo se ao assassinato de Jorge
      
resposta ao seu assassinato. Contudo, a oportunidade de internacionalizar a
crise foi aproveitada por Marshall. Dessa forma, a Guerra Fria latino-americana
Revista Esboços, Florianópolis, v. 23, n. 36, p. 352-372, fev. 2017.
Palavras-chave:   
Americanos, Comunismo, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán
Abstract: The Latin American Cold War theatre was distinct from the global
struggle between American capitalism and Soviet communism. The Soviet
       
declaration of Marxism-Leninism. Despite this, a plethora of social struggles
spanning virtually every Latin American republic have been broadly grouped
   
      
convenient alignment of national and international crises was utilized by US
Secretary of State George C Marshall in April 1948. The establishment of the
Organization of American States sought to realize the political alignment of the
many Latin American leaders as communism, while evident, did not pose any
  
anti-communist declaration, which would decrease the sovereignty of individual
    
      
ensuing Colombian Bogotazo was not related to the global Cold War. They
had intelligence on the populist liberal Gaitán and the violent response to his
seized by Marshall. In doing so, the Latin American Cold War emerged with
devastating national and regional consequences.
Keywords: Cold War, Propaganda, Organization of American States,
Communism, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán
* Is an early career researcher and academic based at Western Sydney University, Australia.

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