Do Liceu á bat-caverna. Batman um super-herói aristotélico

AutorGelson Vanderlei Weschenfelder
CargoCesuca-Faculdade Inedi, Cachoeirinha, RS/Brasil
WESCHENFELDER, Gelson V. Do Liceu à Bat-Caverna: Batman, um super-herói aristotélico.
Do Liceu à Bat-Caverna: Batman, um super-herói aristotélico
From Lyceum to the Bat-Cavern: Batman, an aristotelian superhero
Gelson Vanderlei Weschenfelder
Um dos ícones da cultura pop da atualidade
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 Aristóteles     
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   
 -
Palavras-chave: 
One of the icons of pop culture today is the
resurgence of the superheroes comics’ adventures,
which not only bring entertainment to our eyes.
These stories address issues faced by every ordi-
nary human being, such as justice, morality, ethics
and many others. These matters are dealt on the
philosophical discussions of many philosophers
for centuries. Batman, one of the great characters
of comics super-adventures, brings, in its plot,
wefts with various philosophical issues found, for
       
Aristotle, especially in his ‘Nicomachean Ethics’.
Batman is a character with no super powers, but
         
own town. Such ‘training’ is, for Aristotle, one of
the features to reach the virtue, since according to
him, only through training we could get to the ha-
bit, the habit of doing the right things.
Keywords: Batman – Ethics - Aristotle
Gotham City 1, o jovem Bruce
   
 Gotham, onde re-
    
 

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