Determination of criminogenic contamination of the personality of convict from the perspective of gunter ammon's humanstucturology conception

AutorNikolai D. Gomonov - Vladimir M. Trush
CargoMoscow University of Humanities and Economics, the Northwest Branch - Psychological Laboratory of the Correctional Facility
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
Nikolai D. Gomonov1
Vladimir M. Trush2
Abstract. The topic of the research is the
insufficient level of development of
methods that allow determining the level
of criminogenic contamination of a
personality. The purpose of the work
presented is to identify the markers of the
phenomenon of criminogenic
contamination of the criminal's
personality. A comparative analysis of
the personal characteristics structure of
people who committed crimes and law-
abiding citizens was conducted from the
perspective of G. Ammonhumanistic
personality structure conception. The
novelty of the work is due to the
consideration of this phenomenon from
the perspective of the theory of
personality. As a result, the personality
traits of those serving criminal penalties
in the form of deprivation of liberty, and
1 Moscow University of Humanities and Economics, the Northwest Branch. T.: +79212889801,
2 Psychological Laborat the Federal Penitentiary Service
of Russia in Murmansk region. T.: +79508945566, e-mail:
the differences between their
humanstructurology and the main group,
have been revealed. Also, the level of
severity of criminogenic contamination
of a person in quantitative and qualitative
aspects is determined. The degree of
criminalization is indicated at both
individual and group levels. A
comparative statistical analysis of
persons of the above categories on the
declared markers was carried out. The
dynamics of the change in the
criminogenic contamination of the
criminal personality is analyzed at the
level of differences in
humanstructurology, as well as in the
aspect of the most characteristic and
sustainable mechanisms of
psychological defense formed by the
convicts, based on the length of the
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
sentence and depending on the severity
of the crime committed. The conclusion
is made that the convict can be
considered as a personality, whose level
of criminogenic contamination in
quantitative and qualitative aspects can
be determined. The severity of the crime
committed and the term of punishment
directly depend on the level of its crime-
causing contamination. The materials of
the article are of practical value for
subjects carrying out individual crime
Keywords: criminal identity, convict,
crime, term of punishment, criminogenic
contamination, humanstructurology,
psychological defense.
1. Introduction
The urgency of the task of
organizing correction of increasing
deviance and delinquency within the
population behavior dictates the need to
find the most effective ways to promote
adequate social adaptation, and the
possibilities for an intensive change in
the crisis status of large groups of the
population in a socially positive
direction. Of particular importance is the
task that concerns the evaluation of
personal psychological characteristics of
the people, who already committed
crimes, and currently serving a term of
imprisonment [49, p. 147-153].
It should also be noted that the
  
provisions of the law has reached a level
where the use of professional
psychological knowledge is necessary to
ensure their proper application and the
formation of legitimate investigative,
judicial, prosecutorial and expert
practices [48, p. 581-611].
The fact that the identity of the
criminal is the bearer of certain negative
moral and psychological traits is widely
studied by domestic criminology
(Antonyan, Eminov, 2013, Chufarovsky,
2005,; and abroad [35, p. 121-138;
38, p. 57-58; 51, p. 78-91, etc.]. The
question about the object and process of
correctional influence, its content and
evaluation has not yet found a
sufficiently clear explanation in the
sciences of the penitentiary profile [2, p.
17-22; 15; 32, p. 92-98]. But in the
process of committing a criminal act, the
identity of the criminal acts as the main
element that requires the most detailed
criminological study. At the same time,
the personality of the convict acts as a
point of application of correctional
influence in the process of execution of a
criminal sentence.
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
In domestic criminology, the
study of criminal personality begins on
the basis of the motives of the committed
crimes. The motive, as a conscious need,
is an internal impulse for action. But why
this impulse is implemented on such
way? It is not enough to state that the
person is the bearer of criminal behavior
causes; it is necessary to know why these
personality traits have led precisely to
criminal but not to the lawful behavior.
Consideration of the
criminological phenomenon of the
criminal personality from the
perspective of the evaluation of the
mechanism of the act committed
involves studying its orientation, system
of values, characteristic and habitual
behavioral reactions [37, p. 165-170; 39,
p. 211-219; 41]. The criterion of
asociality of the offender is the degree of
 social danger, which manifests
itself, in particular, through
deformations and defects in psychic self-
regulation. Situations of personal
valence that are significant for a criminal
in life are those elements of a situation
that ensures the implementation of a
criminal code of conduct. However, no
situation in itself pushes a person to a
criminal way. The choice of a criminal
variant of behavior occurs under the
influence of certain formed sustainable
personality characteristics.
The very psychological
characteristics of a person without
behavioral expression cannot be
regarded as negative or positive in the
moral and legal terms. They are initially
socially neutral, and what concrete
expression they may become depends on
the dominant psychological tendencies
that form the structure of consciousness
at all levels of psych activity. At the
same time, it must be remembered that
the motive and motivation are far from
the same. Meanwhile, in practice, it is
motivation that is a rational explanation
of the causes of action - given by the
judicial scrutiny, the court or the
perpetrator itself is perceived precisely
as a motive. A person being convicted, as
a rule, seeks to alibi his criminal act and
endures guilt against other people or
circumstances [36, p. 182-195]. There is
a state of fencing appears - from the
subjective causes of own actions, and,
consequently, also the inability to
properly manage own selves [3, p. 79-86;
4, p. 66-71].
2. Materials and Methods
The specifics of the
recommendations for individual work

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