Desenvolvimento econômico ambientalmente sustentável baseado em Bioeconomia

AutorJosé Guadalupe Vargas-Hernandez - Karina Pallagst - Patricia Hammer
CargoResearch professor of University Center for economic and Managerial Sciences, University of Guadalajara, México - Research professor of International Planning Systems Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany - Research assistant of International Planning Systems Faculty of Spatial and ...
R. Inter. Interdisc. INTERthesis, Florianópolis, v.15, n.2, p.20-37 Set.-Dez. 2018
ISSN 1807-1384 DOI: 10.5007/1807-1384.2018v15n3p20
Artigo recebido em: 19.05.2017 Revisado em 27.07.2018 Aceito em: 30.07.2018
Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons
José Guadalupe Vargas-Hernandez
Karina Pallagst
Patricia Hammer
This study aims to review, analyze and systematize the knowledge created on bio-
economy to develop a conceptual and theoretical framework based on the
transdisciplinary study of biology and socioeconomy to be used in further research. It
begins from the questioning of what are the benefits that bio-economy has compared
to the neoclassical economy. The methods employed are the critical analytic,
descriptive, deductive-inductive and suggests a holistic and transdisciplinary
approaches. As a result, the core of the study presents the principles under which
this new scientific paradigm in sustainable development can continue creating more
scientific knowledge to be used in the formulation and implementation of strategic
choices for the bio production, bio distribution and bio consumption process.
Keywords: Bio-Economy. Green Economy. Knowledge-Based Economy.
Sustainable Development. Strategic Choices.
Any nation of the World faces major environmental, economic and social
challenges to be addressed to change for sustainable development and the better
the way to live and work. Bio-economy is a ‘greener’ alternative that have impacts on
natural and environmental resources, food, soil, land and livelihoods. Bio-economy
has a relevant impact in important bio products such as textiles, cosmetics,
bioenergy, biofuels, building products, and other byproducts and bio power. Bio-
economy serves a market of environmentally sustainable satisfactors, products and
services and to keep in pace in the long term to become global, it requires more
Research professor of University Center for economic and Managerial Sciences, University of
Guadalajara, México E-mail:
Research professor of International Planning Systems Faculty of Spatial and Environmental
Planning, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany E-m ail:
Research assistant of International Planning Systems Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning,
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany E-mail: patricia.hamm
research and development. Bio-economy is globally influencing biotechnological
research and development, business models and market structure.
Bio-economics is considered as a more advanced scientific development than
economics because it relies on the evolutionary process of humanity and nature. The
advance of economic science extends to consider biological evolution, biology and
thermodynamics as important foundations of the economic process. The bio-
economy connects and expands economics and biology to anchor in its empirical
prediction to give it the power of regeneration and sustainability to the activities of the
socioeconomic and biological systems.
This study analyzes the recent developments on bio-economy. It reviews the
conceptualization of bio-economy, green economy and ecological economics to
analyze the deficiencies of classic economy leading to present the bio-economics as
the new epistemological paradigm inextricable linked to sustainable development.
From this framework, there are derived at the core of the subject and object of study
some principles offered as the basis for further research: Circular economy,
sustainable development, holistic and transdisciplinary approaches, innovation
culture and capacity creation, knowledge-based economy, global ethics, social
capital and culture of peace.
Finally, the study considers the importance of formulation and implementation
of the bio-economy as a strategy to enable and ensure results in terms of
contributions for the sustainable development of renewable resources. Also some
concluding remarks are offered.
The concept of bio-economy is relatively new to name those economic
activities derived from the biosciences advances and surge in the scientific
knowledge in biotechnology, genetics, genomics, etc., to achieve practical
applications from biological processes. The term bio-economics was coined by
Georgescu-Roegen to explain the biological origin of the economic process and thus
spotlight the problem of mankind's existence with a limited store of accessible
resources, unevenly located and unequally appropriated (Georgescu-Roegen 1977:
361). Bio-economy is the sustainable production and conversion of biomass into a
range of goods and services, among others food, health, fiber and industrial products

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