Democratização da Justiça e Governança: algumas notas sobre o Brasil

AutorJosé Querino Tavares Neto - Claudia Maria Barbosa
CargoUniversidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, GO, Brasil - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brasil
Democratization of Justice and Governance: some
notes from Brazil1
Democratização da Justiça e Governança: algumas notas sobre o Brasil
José Querino Tavares Neto
Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia - GO, Brasil
Claudia Maria Barbosa
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba - PR, Brasil
Abstract: Social rights have a collective
dimension that arises especially when they
become object of public policies, so their
efficacy depends on the enlargement of
deliberative spaces within the civil society.
Although the legitimacy of the adjucation
process depends on the juridical order providing
spaces to guarantee that divergent interests
will be represented, this is still difficult in the
judiciary. Public hearings and amicus curiae
can bring together “new actors”, such as NGO’s
and social movements to the judicial field, so
they could become more able to resist to the
domination process denounced by Bourdieu,
leading to democratization of the judiciary.
Keywords: Judiciary. Democracy. Governance.
Bourdieu. Domination Process.
Resumo: Direitos sociais têm uma dimensão
coletiva que emerge especialmente quando
tornam-se objeto de políticas públicas e então
sua eficácia depende do alargamento dos espa-
ços deliberativos no interior da sociedade civil.
Embora a legitimidade do processo e a tomada
de decisão dependam de a ordem jurídica pro-
ver espaços para garantir que interesses diver-
gentes serão representados, isso ainda é difícil
de ocorrer no judiciário. Audiências públicas e
amicus curiae podem juntos trazer novos atores
ao campo jurídico, que podem tornar a justiça
mais capaz de resistir ao processo de domina-
ção denunciado por Bourdieu, em direção à de-
mocratização do Judiciário.
Palavras-chave: Judiciário. Democracia. Go-
vernança. Bourdieu. Processo de Dominação.
da Prestação Jurisdicional no Brasil” – Limits and Possibilities of the Effectiveness
of Jurisdictional Provision in Brazil , funded by CAPES – Coordination for the
Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – and CNJ – National Council of Justice.
Recebido em: 25/11/2015
Revisado em: 10/12/2015
Aprovado em: 26/02/2016
42 Seqüência (Florianópolis), n. 72, p. 41-66, abr. 2016
Democratization of Justice and Governance: some notes from Brazil
1 Introduction
The recent political role of the judiciary in contemporary societies
living under the democratic rule of law, particularly in civil law countries,
is a fact that is being scrutinized by political science, sociology, law and
other sciences.
This new role of the judiciary is upheld by a constitutional
theory that insures the justiciability of a vast cast of fundamental rights
guaranteed in constitutions and also seems to have the support from civil
society, which increasingly seeks the judiciary to access health, education,
housing and other social rights that the state fails to implement. On the
other hand, for some scholars the spread of the judiciary undermines the
representative democracy as well as the legitimacy of the legislative and
executive branches.
Anyway, this is a new scenario that presents different plots. This
article is based on the idea that the possibility established by democratic
governance on the participation of “other actors” (from public, private
and third sector) on issues involving public interest, can contribute to
democratize judicial decision-making process and consequently, the
judiciary itself.
Democratizing the judiciary is important because, unlike government
(executive and legislative), its legitimacy’s sources do not come from the
public election. It was usually connected to the technical character of the
decisions taken by the courts, as well as the supposed impartiality of judges.
However these arguments lose force in the scenario of judicialization of
politics, thus the judiciary needs to find other sources of legitimation.
In what measure the civil society’s participation in debates and on
judicial decision-making process could face the role of the reproduction
process of domination that Bourdieu attributes to the legal field is
an important issue for the legitimacy and to the strengthening of the
judiciary. Public hearing can be an interesting mechanism to assess the
good governance of the judiciary in Brazil and can be an efficient way
to ensure the participation of civil society in the so-called “political
questions” taken to the judiciary.

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