Democratic constitutionalism and human rights greening: challenges and common constructions

AutorJosé Adércio Leite Sampaio - João Batista Moreira Pinto
CargoDoctor and Master of Laws at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais and at Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara. Federal Attorney. Email: - Doctor and Post doctor of Laws at Université de Paris X, Nanterre. Master of Laws at the Federal University of Santa...
Veredas do Direito, Belo Horizonte, v.13 n.26 p.81-114 Maio/Agosto de 2016
José Adércio Leite Sampaio
Doctor and Master of Laws at the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais and at
Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara. Federal Attorney.
This article aims at analyzing the phenomenon of democratic constitutiona-
lism and human rights greening, listing some of their common challenges
and, especially, the possibilities and urgencies of a more integrated perfor-
mance among them so as to favor full participation and citizenship, and, as
a consequence, to strengthen one another. The contradictions of neoliberal
globalization are the starting point for the assessment of the position of
the constitutional theory - from the perspective of democratic constitu-
tionalism - and of the eld of human rights - including the analysis of the
different understandings surrounding this concept -, as well as the impacts
of its progressive greening. The ambiguities of the international protection
of human rights as an indivisible system, characterized by the decits of
effectiveness regarding economic, social and cultural rights, and enlarged
by the inclusion of the environmental speech, can only be overcome by
their links with the ideas and instruments of the democratic constitutiona-
lism and, especially, through the mobilization of the claiming and ghting
energies of the society.
Keywords: Democratic constitutionalism; human rights; democracy; par-
ticipation; citizenship.
João Batista Moreira Pinto
Doctor and Post doctor of Laws at Université de Paris X, Nanterre.
Master of Laws at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Permanent professor at the Master’s Program in Environmental Law and Sustainable Develo-
pment at Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara
82 Veredas do Direito, Belo Horizonte, v.13 n.26 p.81-114 Maio/Agosto de 2016
O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar o fenômeno da ecologização
do constitucionalismo democrático e dos direitos humanos, mencionando
alguns de seus desaos comuns e, sobretudo, as possibilidades e urgências
de uma atuação mais integrada entre eles, de modo a favorecer a plenitude
da participação e da cidadania, e, consequentemente, de fortalecer-se
reciprocamente. Parte-se das contradições da globalização neoliberal
para analisar a posição da teoria constitucional – na perspectiva do
constitucionalismo democrático – e do campo dos direitos humanos
– incluindo a análise das diferentes compreensões em torno desse
conceito –, bem como dos impactos de sua ecologização progressiva. As
ambiguidades da proteção internacional dos direitos humanos como um
sistema indivisível, caracterizadas pelos décits de efetividade dos direitos
econômicos, sociais e culturais, e ampliadas pela inclusão do discurso
ambiental, só podem ser superadas pelas suas articulações com o ideário
e instrumentos do constitucionalismo democrático e, sobretudo, com a
mobilização das energias reivindicatórias e de luta da sociedade.
Palavras-chave: Constitucionalismo democrático; direitos humanos;
democracia; participação; cidadania.
José Adércio Leite Sampaio & João Batista Moreira Pinto
Veredas do Direito, Belo Horizonte, v.13 n.26 p.81-114 Maio/Agosto de 2016
The correlation between democratic constitutionalism,
environmental protection and human rights is made more and more often
among political and constitutional theoreticians. The problem to be worked
out in this text is that it seems possible to think of those three realities from
different elds in the society: the legal, the social and the political ones.
Although the construction bases for those social elds are distinct, they
have common challenges in the context of the neoliberal globalization and
they also have complementary points. Those often unexplored articulation
points are going to be claried from the analysis of the strategic aspect of
the ratication of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR) and the incorporation
of the environmental speech at an international level.
The objective is to analyze the democratic constitutionalism, the
human rights and environmentalism as different, although complementary,
social elds, highlighting some of their common challenges, but, above all,
the possibilities and urgencies of more integrated actions between them
to favor full participation and citizenship and, consequently, to strengthen
democracy, environmental protection and the democratic rule of law.
Globalization mobilizes the constitutional theory in the
problematic construction of the democratic constitutionalism and in the eld
of human rights, understood from a broader perspective, which includes
the legal dimension of human rights, although not limited to it, once it also
involves the social-historical performance of social and political actors
around that reality. Environmentalism projects itself on both domains as
an updated and complementary vector.
An elementary point that links the three domains can be
represented by the challenge to enable and implement human rights, rights,
including the «green» ones, from all to all. That means to overcome or face
the historical division that separates civil and political rights, on one side,
from economic, social and cultural rights, on the other, connecting them to
the ecologic wave that reinforces the formal, material and teleological unity
of the fundamental rights system as the intergenerational ideas embedded
into the idea of constitution itself and also the emancipatory project of
human rights.
The defense of the need to view the human rights as indivisible,
interdependent and interrelated takes place both in the constitutional eld

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