Challenges to labour law

AutorWolfgang Däubler
Wolfgang Däubler 1
ABSTRACT: The article deals with three main challenges to labour law referring especially to the German
experience. The world-wide market induced enterprises to relocate their production and to reduce labour costs at
home. In Germany, a quite indirect way of exercising pressure on the workers was developed; counter-measures
were rare and did not really change the situation. CETA will worsen the situation because national sovereignty in
social and environmental questions will fade away. The second challenge comes from inequality existing among
workers as well as in society as a whole. There is a scission between very wealthy people on one side and people
becoming poorer and poorer on the other side. Labour law has not yet developed the instruments to realize more
equality among workers but some ideas are discussed. The third challenge is the digitalisation of many activities;
they are no more bound to certain places or certain times of the day. The “freedom” to work at any moment and
at any place entails very long working hours, work at night and work on Sundays. Legal rules on working time
lose more and more there importance. A solution can be the right of workers representatives to discuss the tasks
given to individual workers, but other means are examined in the article, too. The internet makes crowdworking
possible a new form of work which is currently not covered by labour law.
KEYWORDS: Globalisation. Inequality. Digitalisation. Crowdworking. Excessive working time. Scission
among workers. Self-employed. Persons.
SUMMARY: 1. Introduction. 2. Globalization. 2.1. Loss of workplaces. 2.2. Intensification of work. 2.3
Reducing labour costs. 2.4. Counter-measures? 2.5. Foreign owners of German enterprises. 2.6. CETA. 3 Equality
a lost value. 3.1. Inequality among workers. 3.2. Inequality in society. 3.3. Impacts on labour law. 4. Work in the
digitalised world. 4.1. The appearance. 4.2. Working time problems. 4.2.1 The facts. 4.2.2 Possible solutions. 4.3.
Crowdworking. 4.3.1. Some facts. 4.3.2. Legal Implications. 4.3.3 Perspectives. 5. References.
RESUMO: O artigo trata de três principais desafios ao direito do trabalho, referentes principalmente à
experiência alemã. O mercado mundial induziu as empresas a realocar sua produção e reduzir os custos de mão-
de-obra em casa. Na Alemanha, foi desenvolvida uma maneira indireta de exercer pressão sobre os
trabalhadores; contramedidas eram raras e realmente não mudavam a situação. O CETA piorará a situação,
porque a soberania nacional em questões sociais e ambientais desaparecerá. O segundo desafio vem da
desigualdade existente entre os trabalhadores e na sociedade como um todo. Há uma cisão entre pessoas muito
ricas de um lado e pessoas cada vez mais pobres do outro lado. O direito do trabalho ainda não desenvolveu os
instrumentos para obter mais igualdade entre os trabalhadores, mas algumas ideias são discutidas. O terceiro
desafio é a digitalização de muitas atividades; eles não estão mais vinculados a determinados lugares ou
determinados horários do dia. A “liberdade” de trabalhar a qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar implica
longas horas de trabalho, trabalho à noite e aos domingos. As regras legais sobre o tempo de trabalho perdem
cada vez mais importância. Uma solução pode ser o direito dos representantes dos trabalhadores de discutir as
tarefas atribuídas a cada trabalhador, mas outros meios também são examinados no artigo. A Internet possibilita
o trabalho em multidão - uma nova forma de trabalho que atualmente não é coberta pela legislação trabalhista.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Globalização. Desigualdade. Digitalização. Tempo de trabalho excessivo. Cisão entre os
trabalhadores. Trabalhadores por conta própria. Pessoas.
Artigo recebido em 24/07/2019.
Artigo aprovado em. 24/08/2019.
1 Professor of Labour Law, Civil Law and Economic Law at the University of Bremen (Germany);
Bibliothekstraße 1, D-28359 Bremen. Mail:
SUMÁRIO: 1. Introdução. 2. Globalização. 2.1 Perda de locais de trabalho. 2.2 Intensificação do trabalho. 2.3
Redução de custos trabaistas. 2.4 Contra-medidas? 2.5 Proprietários estrangeiros de empresas alemãs. 2.6 CETA.
3 Igualdade - um valor perdido. 3.1 Desigualdade entre trabalhadores. 3.2 Desigualdade na sociedade. 3.3
Impactos no direito do trabalho. 4. Trabalhe no mundo digitalizado. 4.1 A aparência. 4.2 Problemas de tempo de
trabalho. 4.2.1 Os fatos. 4.2.2 Soluções possíveis. 4.3 Trabalho em multidão. 4.3.1 Alguns fatos. 4.3.2 Implicações
legais. 4.3.3 Perspectivas. 5. Referências.
My subject is quite a broad one. I may be permitted to concentrate on a discussion
which has started in my country. It may sometimes happen that social phenomena are less
recognized in one country whereas they are at the centre of scientific interest in another. In
other cases, the point of departure may be the same, but the way of dealing with problems can
be very different. So I have to beg your pardon if I describe a topic which may be quite new
for some of us, but may be rather well-known to other people. My German style of dealing
with problems and theories is often linked to concrete examples; to develop new categories
typical e.g. for a French approach - will remain our task for the future when we have
completely understood the reality.
In Germany, we see three challenges to labour Law:
- The first one is globalization in the sense that markets for products and for
investments are becoming more and more open, the last obstacles to international commerce
being taken down;
- The second one is inequality which exists among workers as well as in society as a
- The third one is the growing digitalisation of work which questions the separation
between workplace and private life.
I will deal with these three points adding some reflexions about possible reactions of
workers, their unions and their networks.
To be exposed to a world-wide competition is nothing new for German enterprises. It
may be sufficient to remember that during the 1970-s large parts of the German textile
industry were transferred to low-wage-countries2. But the situation changed after 1990. Low-
2 See Fröbel/Heinrichs/Kreye, Die neue internationale Arbeitsteilung, Reinbek (Rowohlt) 1977.

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