Ayahuasca: commerce équitable for the empowerment and protection of indigenous people's intellectual property rights

AutorMarta Carolina Giménez Pereira - Samantha Albuquerque de Mello
CargoPost-Doctorate in Law by Faculdade Meridional (IMED), Brazil. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, PhD. Visiting Professor at Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Email: magipe@hotmail.com ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5661-8860; LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6905306640861147; - Law student at Universidade Católica do Salvador (UCSAL)....
20 | Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal, e-issn: 2317-4552, Salvador, volume 14, n. 03, p.20-38, Set-Dez 2019
Recebido: 08.05.2019 Aprovado: 09.10.2019
Marta Carolina Giménez Pereira
Post-Doctorate in Law by Faculdade Meridional
(IMED), Brazil. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México, PhD. Visiting Professor at Universidade
Federal da Bahia (UFBA).
Email: magipe@hotmail.com
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5661-8860;
LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6905306640861147;
Samantha Albuquerque de Mello
Law student at Universidade Católica do Salvador
Email: a.mellosamantha@gmail.com
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8192-1316
LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7488843869718692.
ABSTRACT: Ayahuasca is a psychoactive beverage commonly consumed by indigenous
people of the Amazon, traditionally used in religious and medicinal rit uals. Nowadays, the
infusion is often consumed by non-indigenous people due to its popularization. Scientific
research corroborates the indigenous belief on the beverage’s healing powers when it comes to
psychoneurological disorders. It is verified that a single dosage of its active pha rmaceutical
ingredient can help lower depression severity in patients resistant to the treatments known
today. In light of the epid emic state of the disorder in the present day, there is enormous
potential for developing new kinds of treatment, which will be enabled through pharmaceutical
patents. However, the traditional knowledge behind those scientific and pharmaceutical
studies must not be forgotten. In this article, utilizing literature and previous studies to support
the views a nd arguments presented, the protection of traditional knowledge is a nalyzed. The
Intellectual Property rights of indigenous communities related to Ayahuasca are defended, as
well as their rights to commerce équitable, which can be understood as the parity of parties in
trading, and to be involved in the results brought by the future pharmaceutical patents arising
from the exploration of this biological material and its active substance. The method used is the
deductive and the research technique is the bibliographical. It is structured in introduction,
development, conclusions and bibliography.
KEYWORDS: Ayahuasca; depression; intellectual property; traditional k nowledge; commerce
RESUMO: A Ayahuasca é uma bebida psicoativa, cost umeiramente consumida por indígenas
da Amaz ônia e tradicionalmente utilizada em rituais religiosos e medicinais. Hoje em dia, a
infusão é muitas vezes consumida por pessoas não indígenas, em razão de sua popularização.
Recente pesquisa científica corrobora o credo indígena nos poderes curandeiros da bebida,
Marta Carolina Giménez Pereira e Samantha Albuquerque de Mello
21 | Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal, e-issn: 2317-4552, Salvador, volume 14, n. 03, p.20-38, Set-Dez 2019
tratando-se de desordens psiconeurológicas. Ve rifica-se que uma única dose do ingrediente
farmacêutico ativo pode ajudar a diminuir a severidade da depressão em pacientes resistentes
aos tratamentos co nhecidos atualmente. À luz do estado epidêmico da desordem nos dias
atuais, há enorme potencial para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos, que serão
possibilitados através de patentes f armacêuticas. Todavia, o conhecimento tradicional por trás
de tais estudos científicos e farmacêuticos não devem ser esquecido. No presente artigo,
utilizando de levantamento de literatura e estudos anteriores para apoiar a visão e os
argumentos apresentados, a proteção do conhecimento tradicional é analisada. Os Direitos de
Propriedade Intelectual das comunidades indígenas são defendidos, bem como seus direitos ao
commerce équitable, que pode ser entendido como a paridade das partes na negociação, e de
estarem envolvidos nos resultados trazidos pelas futuras patentes farmacêuticas provenientes
da exploração desse material biológico e de sua substância ativa. O método utilizado é o
dedutivo e a técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica. Se estrutura em introdução, desenvolvime nto,
conclusões e bibliografia.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ayahuasca; depressão; propriedade intelectual; conhecimento
tradicional; commerce équitable.
Summary: Introduction; 1 Traditional medicine, intellectual property rights and
pharmaceutical patents; 1.1 The situation of traditional medicine in the last decades; 2 The case
of ayahuasca misappropriation; 2.1 International panorama of the approa ch regarding
misappropriation of traditional medicine; 3 Commerce équitable: intellectual proper ty rights and
autonomy of indigenous people in fairtrade of traditional medicine; 4 Concl usion; Notes.
Ayahuasca, also known as hoasca, daime, natem or yajè in South American countries
such as Brazil, Ecuador and Peru, is the infusion of two main natural ingredients: the plants
Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis. In Brazil, these plants are commonly known as the vine
mariri (or cipó mariri) and the leaf chacrona (or folha chacrona), respectively. The brew produced
by such infusion has psychoactive qualities, reportedly causing hallucinogenic visions of various
kinds (SHANON, 2003, p. 115). Its preparation and consumption can be found in numerous
indigenous communities throughout the Amazon. Though the components of the infusion may
vary (CALLAWAY et al, 1999, p. 244), the presence of cipó mariri (B. caapi) is prominent in all
variations of the brew.
For its psychoactive effects, Ayahuasca is considered sacred and it is traditionally used as
key element in religious and medicinal rituals. The first reports on its use date back prior to
European appearances in the Americas (RIBA et al, 2002, p. 614). Although a ceremonial key
element in indigenous culture1, over the past decades, consumption of the brew has been
popularized amongst non-indigenous people. In Brazil, reports of religious segments that merge
Ayahuasca tea with Christian perception date back to the early twentieth century (ANTUNES,
2012, p. àTààà ààààà Bàà Eàà
such as Germany, Holland and Spain have also reported its consumption in urban areas since the
àà‘IBáàet al, 2002, p. 614),
While, initially, the popularization of Ayahuasca consumption was seen as a health
concern, study over the years has shown that the beverage possesses chemical properties that
might translate into therapeutic potential (FRESCKA et al, 2016, p. 6; ESCOBAR; GUILLERMO, 2015,
p. 315). More recently, a study led by Fernanda Palhano-Fontes et al (2018, p. 661) at the Federal
University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) found evidence of antidepressant efficacy after a session

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