Axiologia, valores pessoas e racionalidades éticas: uma proposta de integração de referenciais teóricos

AutorMatheus Lemos de Andrade, Ramon Silva Leite, Simone Teresinha Chaves de Andrada Ibrahin, Karina Carneiro Costa
CargoFaculdade de Administração Milton Campos. email: - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais. email: - Faculdades Milton Campos. email: - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). email:
Axiologia, valores pessoais e racionalidades éticas: uma proposta de integração de referenciais teóricos
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Ética e valores pessoais são duas importantes teorias que
fundamentam estudos da administração que analisam com-
portamentos e processo de decisão. Contudo, a relação entre
tais temas é incipiente e carece de maior escrutínio, sobretudo
a partir de estudos empíricos. O presente estudo teve por ob-
jetivo vericar a existência de relações entre valores pessoais
(Schwartz, 1992; Schwartz et al., 2012) e as racionalidades éticas
deontológicas e teleológicas. Foi realizado um Survey com
amostra de 453 brasileiros. À exceção do valor Tradição, coe-
rente com as hipóteses postuladas, os resultados demonstram
que todos os valores de orientação coletivista se relacionam
positivamente com as racionalidades deontológicas, assim
como todos os valores de orientação individualista se rela-
cionam positivamente com as racionalidades teleológicas. A
conrmação empírica da relação entre ética e valores pessoais
atende aos aclames de autores sobre o tema e abre espaço
para a extensão de análises de fenômenos sociais amparadas
em tais teorias.
Palavras-Chave: Valores pessoais; Ética; Racionalidades éticas
Ethics and personal values are two important theories that
underlie management studies that analyze behaviors and
decision-making processes. However, the relationship bet-
ween these two themes is incipient and calls for in-depth
investigation, mainly empirical studies. The present study aims
at verifying the existence of relationships between personal
values (Schwartz, 1992; Schwartz et al., 2012) and the ethical
deontological and teleological rationalities. A survey into this
issue was conducted with a sample of 453 Brazilian respon-
dents. Consistent with the postulated hypotheses, the results
showed that all individualistic-oriented values are positively
related to teleological rationalities, just as all collectivist-orien-
ted values are armatively related to deontological rationali-
ties, except for the Tradition value. Empirical conrmation of
the relationship between ethics and personal values answer
the author`s claims on the topic and allows the extension of
analyzes of social phenomena supported by such theories.
Key-words: Personal values; Ethics; Ethical rationalities
Axiology, personal values and ethical rationalities:
a proposal for theoretical frameworks integration
Matheus Lemos de Andrade
Faculdade de Administração Milton Campos.
Ramon Silva Leite
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais.
Simone Teresinha Chaves de Andrada Ibrahin
Faculdades Milton Campos.
Karina Carneiro Costa
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG).
Recebido em: 23/05/2019
Revisado em: 18/08/2020
Aceito em: 10/09/2020
Matheus Lemos de Andrade • Ramon Silva Leite • Simone Teresinha Chaves de Andrada Ibrahin • Karina Carneiro Costa
Revista de Ciências da Administração • v. 21, n. 55, p. 115-133, Outubro. 2019
Ethics and personal values are themes oen
discussed in the management science eld (Hunt
& Vitell, 2006; Vitell & Muncy, 2005; Reynolds &
Gutman, 2001; Beauchamp et al., 2004; Sagiv &
Schwartz 2017; Trevino & Nelson, 2016; Javalgi & La
Toya, 2018; Petrick, 2018; Laczniak & Murphy, 2019;
Arieli & Roccas, 2020). An analysis of the literature on
the topic shows advanced and consolidated theories
about both themes. Nevertheless, despite the vast
array of studies that have suggested connections
between ethics and personal values theories (Feather
1988; Musser & Orke 1992; Ostini & Ellerman, 1997;
Muncyeastman, 1998; Shaw and Newholm 2002; Lan
et al., 2010; Papaoikonomou, 2013; Holtbrugge et al.,
2015; Pohling et al., 2015; Manyiwa & Brennam, 2016;
Diddi & Niehm, 2017), gaps remain to be investiga-
ted, especially as far as the complexity of theoretical
frameworks and the absence of empirical studies on
the topic are concerned.
Whereas the theory of personal values deve-
loped by Professor Shalom Schwartz (Schwartz,
1992; Schwartz et al., 2012) is perceived as the main
contemporary reference to the subject (Bilsky, 2009;
Parks-Leduc et al., 2015), the Hunt and Vitell models
for ethics in Marketing (1986; 1993; 2006) emerges as
one of the main references to the topic(DeConinck &
Lewis, 1997; Murphy, 2010; Schlegelmilch & Ober-
seder, 2010). Among important contributions, the
model presented by Hunt and Vitell (2006) proposes
that ethical judgments derive from two sorts of ra-
tionalities: one is the Deontological, which relies on
preset beliefs, values and norms to determine what is
ethical, the other is the Teleological rationality, which
considers the consequences of an act or behavior as
a primary reference when making ethical judgments.
By considering studies that demonstrate how
personal values inuence not only ethical attitudes
but also behaviors involving some ethical components
(Papaoikonomou, 2013; Manyiwa & Brennam, 2016;
Diddi & Niehm, 2017; Turk & Avcilar, 2018; S chaefer
et al. 2018), the current study addresses the claim
made by authors interested in understanding how
personal values relate to other psychographic charac-
teristics of an individual (Parks-Leduc et al. 2015). It
also meets calls for new studies into ethical decisions,
mainly those related to the antecedents of the ethical
judgments (Schlegelmilch & Oberseder, 2010).
As a result, considering the fact that no empiri-
cal studies, more specically investigations into the
relationship between personal values (Schwartz et al.,
2012) and the ethical rationalities assimilated by indi-
viduals (Hunt & Vitell, 2006) were found, the current
research aims at answering the following question:
what is the relationship between Deontological and
Teleological rationalities and personal values?
e current study is based on the literature ad-
dressing ethics and personal values within the scope
of business management. However, considering that
such theories transcend the boundaries of manage-
ment sciences, this discussion is considered valid in
all areas in human sciences regarding the interest in
understanding the social phenomenon through a
cognitive-social approach (Bandura 1986).
Apart from the introduction, this paper is struc-
tured in four other sections. First, the eoretical
Foundation, where the central aspects regarding
ethics and personal value theories and the possible
articulations between them are presented - this part
is concluded by the study hypotheses. e second
section describes the methodological aspects, inclu-
ding data gathering and analysis. en, the results are
presented and discussed in the third section. Finally,
the fourth and last part brings the nal considerations
according to the results achieved during the research,
exploring limitations, and suggesting possibilities for
future research into the subject.
2.1 Ethics
As Koçyiğit and Karadağ (2016) point out, there
are numerous denitions for the term ethics. However,
from a philosophical perspective, ethics is understood
as being the study of moral values, rules and prin-
ciples guiding the human behavior (Collins 2014).
Considering that a reection on ethics is a common
practice in our society and markets are complex spac-
es that involve a series of interactions between agents,
having their own interests and codes of conduct, most
authors writing about business ethics consider that

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