As semelhanças entre a Primavera Árabe e os protestos de 2013 no Brasil

AutorMohamed Arafa, Lucas Reis da Silva, Rafael Moreno de Santiago Santos
CargoAssistant Professor of Law at Alexandria University Faculty of Law (Egypt)/Labor Inspector, Bachelor in Law and History by Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto and a Master in Socio-environmental Law and Sustainability by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR)/Lawyer, Bachelor in Law by Universidade Positivo, a Specialist in ...
Recebido em: 1º/09/2020
Revisado em: 08/10/2020
Aprovado em: 16/11/2020
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The Similarities Between the Arab Spring and the
2013 Protests in Brazil
As Semelhanças entre a Primavera Árabe e os Protestos de 2013 no Brasil
Mohamed Arafa1,2
Lucas Reis da Silva3
Rafael Moreno de Santiago Santos3
1Alexandria University Faculty of Law, Alexandria, Egypt
2Cornell University School of Law, New York, USA
3Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brasil
Abstract: The study to be done in the course
of this article aims to analyze the influence
of the Arab Spring on the manifestations
that occurred in Brazil in 2013, culminating
in the impeachment of the then President of
the Republic. As a result, there is still the
scope to identify the correlation between
the attitudes adopted by protesters in the
Arab world and in Brazil. Methodologically,
the research is classified as inductive, of
scientific and explicative character, with a
qualitative approach and is characterized as
an observational case study. The research
instrument was only bibliographic analysis.
Keywords: Middle East and Northern Africa.
Arab Spring. 2013 Protests in Brazil.
Resumo: O estudo a ser desenvolvido no decor-
rer do presente artigo tem por objetivo prepon-
derante analisar a influência da Primavera Árabe
sobre as manifestações ocorridas no Brasil, em
2013, que culminaram com o Impeachment da
então Presidente da República. Como resultado,
tem-se ainda o escopo de identificar a correlação
entre as atitudes adotadas pelos manifestantes no
mundo árabe e no Brasil. Metodologicamente, a
pesquisa é classificada como indutiva, de caráter
científico e explicativo, com abordagem quali-
tativa e se caracteriza como um estudo de caso
observacional. O instrumento de pesquisa foi ex-
clusivamente a análise bibliográfica.
Palavras-chave: Oriente Médio e Norte da Áfri-
ca. Primavera Árabe. Protestos de 2013 no Brasil.
Seqüência (Florianópolis), n. 86, p. 10-27, dez. 2020 11
Mohamed Arafa – Lucas Reis da Silva – Rafael Moreno de Santiago Santos
1 Introduction
A wave of demonstrations struck the Arab world at the end of 2010.
Initiated in Tunisia, it reached the rest of North Africa until it reached
the Middle East. This phenomenon, which became known as the “Arab
Spring”, had important geopolitical implications not only because the
scene coincides with a politically unstable location, but also because
of the economic issue, given that 40% of the planet’s oil is produced in
this region. In addition, the Arab Spring influenced demonstrations that
occurred later in several places around the world, including in Brazil.
A wave of demonstrations, which began in Porto Alegre and São
Paulo in June 2013, spread rapidly across all Brazilian states. These were
considered the largest demonstrations since the impeachment of President
Fernando Collor de Mello in 1992. In São Paulo, demonstrations began
against the increase of bus tickets from three reais to three reais and
twenty cents, called by MPL (Movimento Passe Livre, or Free Fare
Movement, in English). Soon after, the initial claim was overcome and
began to incorporate demands from various social segments, going
through old agendas such as agrarian and political reforms, or new
ones, such as those opposed to the World Cup in Brazil in 2014. The
protagonism of the country in the Latin American political scenario and
the regional weight makes it important to analyze this phenomenon.
This article analyzes the similarities and influences of the Arab
Spring on the demonstrations that have occurred in Brazil since 2013.
From the analysis of the political events in the Middle East and Brazil, we
will try to understand if, and how, they relate, which are the similarities
and differences between them and the way political and non-political
actors organize themselves in contemporary times. If, a few decades
ago, political parties, trade unions, student organizations, among others,
functioned as an engine to catabolize demands and present demands, in
these two waves of demonstrations occurring in the Arab world and in
Latin America, other actors present themselves as protagonists. This is
exactly what we intend to analyze.

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